Dorset Army Cadet Forces East Company Cadets raise over £5000 for Helping Homeless Veterans UK Charity


Words and image courtesy of Dorset Army Cadet Force.

Cadets from Dorset Army Cadet Force, East Company held a “Big Sleep Out” in July 2023 in order to raise awareness of and funds for the Charity “Helping Homeless Veterans UK”. This is the second year that the event has taken place and this year it was organised by the more senior 3 star Cadets from Wallisdown Detachment, as part of their Community Engagement Syllabus. All of the Cadets and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers gave up a Saturday night in order to sleep either in tents, shelters or on cardboard with a sleeping bag whilst also getting sponsorship.

The aim of the Helping Homeless Veterans UK Charity is to home Veterans whom for whatever reason, end up on the streets. A few Veterans from the Charity attended and gave a talk about their experience living on the streets, the struggles that they faced, and most importantly how the Charity has assisted them and changed their life’s situation.

The Cadets raised a whopping £5720.00 which they recently presented to the Charity.

Detachment Commander of Wallisdown Detachment 2Lt Franks said “Overall it was a fantastic night hosted by the 3 Star Cadre, who should be very proud of themselves for organising such an event.”

The Army Cadets gives young people – from all walks of life – access to fun, friendship, action and adventure. We challenge young people to learn more, do more and try more. We inspire them to aim high and go further in life, no matter what they aim to do. With over 72,000 cadets and 10,000 adults in more than 1,600 locations around the UK, the Army Cadets makes a big impact on young people, adults, parents, and communities.

For further information, contact Dorset ACF County Media Officer, Captain Caroline Wheatley at or call 07809 212573, or visit

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